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Graphic Designer + Creative Strategist


The Essence of Stimulation

LABL is an application that allows users to see and leave messages in augmented reality using mobile devices. Messages can be attached to specific locations, or objects through machine learning, pattern recognition, and GPS cross-referencing. Text can also be attached to individuals through biometrics and GPS tracking. A LABL is left in digital space for a prescribed amount of time through a tiered subscription service. LABL was designed to act as an ironic commentary on the trajectory of technology and the way its innate distractions change the way we absorb, react, and relate to the world.

Process Book

I believe of our jobs as designers is to clearly communicate through strategically targeted messaging and find solutions that make a thing, or a person, memorably disruptive and universally relatable. With these thoughts, I studied trends and movements looking for divergent themes that carved places into our evolving history of the propagation of cultures.
Explorations of templates (pg. 422) created from famous designs were filed with contrasting content and images generated with early AI (pg. 112) tools used to combine works of well known graphic designers led me to ever present technological distractions, the power of information fragmentation, instantly accessible knowledge, the current rate of the transfer of ideas, increasing speeds of cultural moments, and the affects of these ideas and a combination of these ideas on society. Instead of trying to find ways to turn the volume down, I decided to turn it up.

Graphic Identity

A simple but memorable logo combined with clean, direct typography. The solutions presented, simplify multicultural approaches to potentially, new and complex technological experiences. The identity for LABL was meant to define the purpose of the product while providing memorable and scalable branding opportunities across print and digital.









Interface Iconography


Typographic Style

Primary Colors

Secondary Colors

Univers was originally designed to be neutral to reduce emotive inferences - fitting conceptually. Karla has an embellished aesthetic making it ideal for  a label gun while contrasting with the neutrality of Univers.

Graphic Elements

45% opaque white background separates posted LABLS from their environments.

High contrast tones and a basic CMYK color scheme gives an edgy, punk-like  feel, as well as hints of playfulness. 


Select target

Type message

Press LABL



Early Development

Browser based experiments focused on organizing text over a selected object in an augmented space.

See your LABL

Press LABL

Type your message

Select your target




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